Wastewater Evaporators
- Drastically reduces industrial wastewater disposal costs
- Evaporates most water-based, non-volatile waste streams
- Electric evaporators
- Proven, reliable, cost-effective industrial water evaporator

Automatic Parts Washers
- Heavy duty construction, industrial parts washer
- Energy efficient insulated tanks
- Full filtration, oil skimmer, and many other features standard
- Cabinet style spray washer
Who we are, what we do, what we stand for
Our DESIGN PHILOSOPHY from the beginning has been to incorporate the most common features desired in wastewater evaporator and parts washers and incorporate them as standard features on all of our equipment. For example, all our parts washers have fully insulated wash cabinets, an adjustable oil skimmer, low water shutoff, and a 7 day timer standard. All of our Water Eater® industrial wastewater evaporators have removable covers for easy clean out, insulated tanks for energy efficiency, and redundant shutdown systems.
Our MANUFACTURING PHILOSOPHY is to take our proven design and build production style equipment, using only heavy duty industrial grade components which are easily obtainable “off the shelf” items.
By building only production style equipment, no custom systems, in the above manner, we are able to offer high quality and proven equipment while keeping our manufacturing costs in line. These savings are passed onto the customer in the form of lower prices.
We appreciate you stopping by our website. Please use the navigation bar above for more information on our products. Feel free to contact us at the addresses listed below.
About us
Established in 1981, Equipment Manufacturing Company (EMC®) is committed to building the highest quality industrial waste water evaporators and aqueous parts washers. All metal fabrication, assembly and other major processes are performed on site to ensure consistent and proven quality at a reasonable price.